Wat is de 360DomeXperience?
This is a special concept with dome structures (available in several sizes, from 60 – 1000 people).
In the dome you can experience fulldome 360° video projections - dazzling VJ sessions, movies and presentations surrounding you! Listen music on Silent DJ headphones and feel the beat through a vibrating floor.
Scents mixed live and blown into the area by the Aroma DJ enhance the sensations.
Unique branding opportunities and possibilities for product activations.
Fully theme your own dome and promote your brand or product by using customized sensory experiences!
Ideal for music events, product activations and corporate events & presentations.
Its possible to create 360 content for your application or to have live VJ-s mixing 360 content in places like festivals.
See also : www.360DomeXperience.nl.